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2022 Conference Organizers

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Shani D. Carter, Ph.D.

New York, USA


Shani D. Carter, Ph.D. is a Professor of Business and the Director of Accreditation, and has been at Wagner College since the fall 2015.  She received a Ph.D. in Industrial and Labor Relations (Personnel/Human Resource Studies, Labor Economics, and Research Methods) from Cornell University, a M.S. in Industrial and Labor Relations (Personnel/Human Resource Studies and Labor Economics) from Cornell University, and a B.A. in Government from Cornell University. Dr. Carter teaches courses in: Human Resource Management; Organizational Behavior; Leadership; and Thesis / Practicum. Dr. Carter has published more than 40 articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings on Human Resources and Assessment of Student Learning. Dr. Carter has traveled extensively for business and leisure to many globally important cities in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and she enjoys sharing her love of international travel with her students.

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